Goodreads Summary: When her former boss and mentor is arrested for murder and left to rot behind bars by his own kind, it's up to shapeshifting car mechanic Mercy Thompson to clear his name, whether he wants her to or not. And she'll have to choose between the two werewolves in her life -- whether she wants to or not.
My Take: I am having a hard time with this book. I really liked it because it was an easy quick read and the true murderer Mercy was trying to find throughout the whole book totally caught me off guard. What happens to Mercy is something I cannot accept and all I can say is that I am glad there were no details.
The ending has me upset because Mercy has been this really independent woman that will do anything for ANYONE she cares about. Now I have no idea what roll her character will play. The books wouldn’t be any good if she didn’t still have the strong willed personality that she has had throughout the series so far.
I really liked what happens in the end that Ben takes part in. Ben has always been this big jerk but now you see his reasons and his true side. The very end stopped really abrupt so I will be reading the next book soon.
I hope the remaining Mercy Thompson books do not take a toll on me like this one did, but I guess that is partly why the book was good.

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