Book Summary: Morgan thinks witchcraft is laughable when her best friend Bree drags her to a meeting of the Cirrus Coven. But during a cermony led by Cal, Morgan's long-time crush, Morgan feels a shock. Suddenly everything looks brighter, clearer. Morgan doesn't want to get involved with witchcraft-but she feels like witchcraft is choosing her.

My Take: Wow! What can I say without completely ruining this book?
In previous reviews; I have complained about books with way too much page filler but not this book! It is a small, quick, easy and entertaining read!
Unlike a lot of the other Urban Fantasy books I have been reading lately, this book seemed really lifelike! I could see how this would make someone curious about Wicca. I don't believe in "Wicca" or White Magic but I could see how this book could make someone really want to study into it.
Morgan is just an average shy girl with a very popular best friend Bree! Morgan and Bree have been best friends since they were young kids. Even with Morgan and Bree hanging out in two completely different crowds, it never dampens their close relationship.
There is a new boy in their school. Cal Blaire. The moment he walks up to the school, everyone's head turns in his direction. All the girls immediately salivate over his olive skin and gold colored eyes. To make it even worse, Morgan isn’t immune to his stunning looks! Morgan has never been fully in to a guy before now; she has never had a boyfriend or even her first kiss. She is automatically drawn to Cal but she knows that he is way out of her league.
Once everyone starts getting to know Cal; just about everyone either wants to be his friend or just “wants him period”. The exception is all the guys that are jealous that their girlfriend gawk at Cal right in front of them. Cal doesn’t fall into a click to “hang” with, he just accepts each person the same as the next. Morgan admires this about Cal; he even goes out of his way to start multiple conversations with her! Her one concern is that she thinks he is a player. He goes on dates with girls but just goes from one to the next.
One day, Cal goes around the school to all the Junior and Senior students to invite them to a party. The directions he gives them leads the partygoers to a large field and this is when Cal introduces Wicca. This meeting wakes up something in Morgan.
I am going to immediately start the second book to the series and I this is a book that I would highly recommend!
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Good review, I like your site. You have a great set up going. I found your site from book blogs, and I just wanted to stop by, look around, and let you know that you have a new follower! You can find me at www.booksavvybabe.blogspot.com and twitter @booksavvybabe
Thanks for checking out my blog! I'm following you now. I read this series in high school and loved it! Straight to the point, fun characters, and plot! You'll like the rest of the series, she has a lot of twists!
I like this review I've been looking for a good Wicca book And this ono sound interestig. great review.
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