
May 24, 2011

Two Chicks On Books - *Blog Feature*

Two Chicks On Books

So I am going to have Jaime and Patricia of Two Chicks on Books as one of my featured bloggers this week!  I am featuring this blog because they have amazing reviews!  When I read a couple of their reviews of several books they rate highly, I wanted to set all books I'm currently reading aside, run to the store and purchase the books they reviewed!  I am also a little biased here because Jaime totally rocks and Jaime and Patricia are two of my local blogger friends here in Sac Town, Cali that I just met on Twitter a short time ago!

So give it up to Jamie and Patricia!

And this is to all blogger/reviewers, come join my Book Club!



Hi *waves* I ♥ me some comments! So comment away...