The first three winners of Bookluvr Mindy's 30th Birthday Giveaway are....
Courtney, Janae & Latisha!
All three winners will receive signed copies of Richelle Mead's Vampire Academy!
The winners are being the winners redeem their items!
Their names will be listed next to the prizes once they have redeemed their prize!
Here are the list of prizes:
Anathema & Oubliette by Megg Jensen
- Signed books of both Anathema & Oubliette - Shelby
- eBooks of both Anathema & Oubliette - Jessica
- eBooks of both Anathema & Oubliette - Shanna
- eBooks of both Anathema & Oubliette - Amy
- Bookmark - Marjie
- Signed copy of Meant to Be - SpadesHigh
- eBook of Meant to Be - Holly
Descended by Blood by Angeline Kace
- eReader Skin - Alyssa @ Hesperia Loves Books
- eReader Skin - Jessica
- Signed Copy of Daimon - Amber
- Signed Copy of Daimon - AmyC
- Daimon/ Half-Blood Swag - Amber
- Daimon/ Half-Blood Swag - IngaSilbergBooks
- Daimon/ Half-Blood Swag - Memrie
- Daimon/ Half-Blood Swag - AmyC
- Daimon/ Half-Blood Swag - Raychelle
- Signed ARC of Anathema - Marjie
- eBook of Anathema - Katja
- eBook of Anathema - Shanna
- Bookmark - April X
- Bookmark - Julie
- Bookmark - Jenn
- Bookmark - Andrea
- Bookmark - Shannon
- eBook of Sleight - Emily
- eBook of Sleight - Brielle
- Signed copy of Released - Jennifer
- eBook of Released - Latisha
- Kindle eReader Skin - Alyssa @ Hesperia Loves Books
- eBook of Dirty Blood - Brianna
- eBook of Across the Galaxy - Heidi

Congrats other winners Thank you so much again :)
I wanted to let you know I got my signed arc of Anathema from K.A Tucker today it is so Fantastic THANK YOU THANK YOU!
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