In the dead of a bitingly cold Colorado winter, Skye finds herself coming to terms with the impossible secret that threatens to shatter her world. Torn between Asher, who she can’t help falling for, and Devin, who she can’t stay away from, the consequences of Skye’s choice will reach further than the three of them could ever imagine.
A Beautiful Dark is the first book in a captivating trilogy by debut author Jocelyn Davies.

My Take: Whoa! I seriously need to talk with someone about this book without spoiling it for anyone that hasn't read it. So if you have already read A Beautiful Dark, please come chat with me because I NEED to talk to someone about EVERYTHING. I think the ending to this book tops them all as the ultimate SUCK in all forms possible! I would say there is only one thing going good for poor Skye and I’m not quite sure if this one thing could ever be enough to make up for everything that has happened to her. That includes past and present.
When I first started reading A Beautiful Dark I was completely blind as to what type of fantasy elements were contained in this book. The only thing that was obvious was there were strange things happening to Skye, and two boys just come out of nowhere with major interest in her. We learn about what the boys are about midway through the book but I’m still unsure of what will become of Skye, or what Skye will be capable of. I am crossing my fingers and toes that she comes back as a hardcore heroine with a vengeance, with destruction and with chaos, and abolishes every being that has literally and completely destroyed her life!
While reading, I was unsure of whom I liked from the mysterious boys. One seemed to catch her attraction more than the other and the other seemed to balance her emotions. Asher is the super sexy bad boy and Devin is the majorly hot calm good boy. There were several moments that Asher seriously pissed me off and I was always questioning his motives. Devin seemed to be too big of a mystery but for the most part he was kind and gentle (as Skye would refer, he was Zen.) Up until the very end, I was still questioning myself over who of the two was the most deceptive. It is more than clear at the end of the book, and it left me seriously pissed off and thirsting for the next in this trilogy. Like right now! I don’t think I can wait!
A Beautiful Dark is available a week from tomorrow, so make sure you get yourself a copy! I will be getting my copy any day in the mail. Thanks to EpicReads! Yay! I don’t want to spoil this book for anyone but I’m dying to talk to someone about it, so once you have read it…come chat with me!
Galley provided to my by HarperTeen for my honest review.

Your reviews really make me want to read this book! I should have pre-ordered and (soon to-be read it) so you could talk to me about it! LOL
Greta review but I heard mixed things about this one--so I passed. Might have to find the time to read this one.
Thank you for you lovely review. I look forward to checking out Beautiful Dark:)
I'm actually starting this book tonight. I'll have to speed through it do we can chat. Your review has me so excited. Great job!
Wow, that's a great review! If I wasn't curious about it before, I sure am now! Lol. Now I want it even more! Seriously can't wait to get my hands on it. o:
Rebecca @ Kindle Fever
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