Here is my book stash from this week!...OH! And I'm impatiently waiting no longer! You will see why in my vlog!
The reason for my loooong vlog post is because I picked up a lot of books by attending NCIBA Trade Show. The majority of the books are ARC's of upcoming books for The Fall 2011 through the Spring of 2012.
Leave me a comment if you have something would be willing to trade (US shipping only please) for one of my copies of A Million Suns by Beth Revis. I would prefer a copy of one or both of Across the Universe or Delirium. I'll check my comments 24 hours after this post to see if there is a reasonable offer I can't refuse for a trade. BUT...if you have another book that you think I may be even more excited to accept that to trade let me know!

So wish that a trade show or something like that came to my city! Would love to get some ARCs of upcoming fall books! Happy Reading!
Here's my IMM
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower :)
great mailbox and thanks again for fever
happy halloween
Awesome haul!
MY IMM:http://mochalattereads.blogspot.com/2011/10/in-my-mailbox31.html
Hope you're having an excellent weekend!
-Wendy from A Cupcake and a Latte: YA Reviews
Okay, lucky! Dang, I wish something like the NCIBA Trade Show would come around here. I would love to win free books and awesome other things like that T-shirt!
Second: YOU HAVE BLOODROSE?! And PANDEMONIUM?! Lucky! (Well, you're lucky to have all those books.)
Third, I'm new at blogging, so I don't have a IMM, but I do have a book to trade if you are interested. It's Forgiven by Janet Fox (ARC). (I do have Across the Universe, but I haven't read it yet. Sorry!) I haven't read it yet, but I got lucky and I traded for one and bought the other. Anyway, there's my book. If you don't like it, on my goodreads page is a list of books I'm willing to trade, so check it out if you don't like Forgiven. http://www.goodreads.com/user/show/4800125-tayte-hunter
Fourth: Delirium was amazing. I loved it. I would be happy to lend it to you as soon as I get it back from my friend. (If I'm lucky, she'll be done reading it by the time I get back to school tomorrow.)
That's it. :D
Keep on reading!
Great mailbox this week!
Xpresso Reads
I still haven't read Across the Universe yet, I have a copy still waiting to be read. I don't have a copy of Delirium yet either. So many fantastic books you got there. I would love to go to something as huge as that one day. If only they were planning on coming to Seattle, that would be so cool.
I got a signed ARC of The Marked from Inara Scoot from her at the event I went to yesterday. I didn't get it personalized because I haven't decided if I'm going to keep it or pass it on. I'm hoping to get it read soon so I can make that decision.
So envious of all the people who go to these events.
you have got a lot to read.
Wow awesome books!! I so wish they had events like that around here! Come check out my IMM!!
I actually watched this a few days ago on YouTube, but forgot to comment. You are so darn lucky! But you already know that. Enjoy all the fab books, sweetie!
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