Piper – I’m delighted to be here today.
Mindy - Quickly give me 10 words to describe Acquainted with the Night.
Piper – Vampires, romantic, mystery, anagrams, thriller, monastery, quest, biochemistry, clues, secrets.
Mindy's comment - Can you get any better than that?
Mindy - Which character in Acquainted with the Night did you enjoy writing about the most, or do you have a character that you grew the most attached to and why?
Piper – I loved them all, but Moose Tipper was a stand-out. He’s a vampire and a BBBS—brilliant body bag specialist. He’s quirky, funny, dangerous, sincere. I never knew what he might say or do, and I didn’t ever try to censor him.
Mindy's comment - that is the funniest title I've ever heard of...Brilliant body bag specialist. That's brilliant in itself!
Mindy - Do you have a writing ritual?
Piper – I write first drafts with black Flair pens on yellow legal pads. When I get stuck, I walk around the farm.
Mindy's comment - walking around a farm sounds relaxing.
Mindy - What is your guilty pleasure?
Piper – Cornbread and milk—mixed together in a tall glass.
Mindy's comment - my first thought was, "Ugh!!" But I think I'll have to try it!
Mindy - If you weren’t a writer, what would be your ideal job?
Piper – Archeology. I love dirt.
Mindy's comment - Dirt? I bet you love telling people that.
Mindy - Who are your Top 5 fictional heroes?
Piper - Jamie Fraser, Stephanie Plum, Sookie Stackhouse, Gandalf, Frodo.
Mindy - Who are your Top 5 fictional villains?
Piper – Hannibal Lecter, Jack Randall, Gollum, Dracula, Mrs. Danvers.
Mindy's comment - Ooooo...good ones!
Mindy - What are your Top 5 favorite books of all time?
Piper – The Shell Seekers, Rebecca, Lord of the Rings, Pride and Prejudice, Wuthering Heights.
Mindy - Can you give us a list of books that you have read in the last year or two that you would highly recommend?
Piper – Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling, The Welcome Home Garden Club by Lori Wilde, The Complete Stories of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Thank you so much for having me today!
Piper Maitland
You can stalk Piper Maitland here:
Twitter - @PiperMaitland
Blog - www.acquaintedwiththenightbypipermaitland.blogspot.com
Acquainted With the Night

London tour guide Caroline Clifford has never believe in vampires- until her uncle is brutally murdered at a Bulgarian archaeological site, and a vampire hunter who corresponded with him seeks her out.
Strange anagrams on her uncle's passport lead them to a cliff-top monastery in Greece, where a shattering revelation connects a relic Caro inherited to an age-old text on immortality-and an enigmatic prophecy that pits the forces of darkness and light in a showdown that could destroy all they know...

Thanks for doing this! :D
Thanks for doing this! :D
Good interview! :D
Thanks for the giveaway.
Great Interview
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