What Tae Kwon Do Taught Me about Writing
A while ago, I posted about my love of tae kwon do on this blog. My daughter took the class years ago and I helped her practice. Of course, in my imaginative mind, I thought I was an expert. When the hubby suggested we take the class together, I honestly believed it would be a piece of cake.
I nearly died the first day of class. It was so freaking hard. Here I was surrounded by a class composed of all children, except for the hubby and I. The kids were smiling. I thought that a call to 9-1-1 wouldn’t be out of the question. Exhausted, sore, and dehydrated, I dragged myself out of the gym and swore I’d never step foot in that class again.
It’s kind of like that when someone who’s never written before starts writing. Grab any book of a bookshelf and thumb through it. Well-constructed sentences, relevant analogies, and beautiful prose decorate the landscape - sounds simple enough for a native English speaker, right?
Again, I have to say, HA!
Most people quit writing before they really get going. Unfortunately, it doesn’t stop there. I’m a firm believer in constant study and improvement. Without these two, we’re all just boring and stunted. Yes, I’ve written many novels. I still have so much to learn.
The same goes for tae kwon do. Yes, I earned a yellow belt. No, that’s not the end of it. While I’d like to think I could kick someone’s a$$, I probably couldn’t. I know the moves, yes, but I don’t have the experience behind it to really do it justice.
Does that mean writers should put off publishing until they’re experts? Absolutely not. All writers get better with practice. Let your audience grow with you. Let them see how far you’ve come and how dedicated you are to your craft. Work your butt off on a book and then do it all over again.
Thanks Megg for stopping by!

I got my fingers crossed, I want actually copies of her books. I haven't read the Anathema series, but I really need to. I loved Sleepers.
All of her books are amazing! I'm reading Severed right now and I'm upset that it's 1am and I have to work. I wanna finish it! It's sooooo good!
Thank you for the great giveaway!
You are so right about writing. It kicks your butt, requires conditioning and dedication, and is so worth it when you write that fab scene! Great post. And thanks for the giveaway! I'm looking forward to reading these -- I've read some great reviews!
This is really good advice. I have heard all sorts of things compared to writing, but never before Tae Kwon Do. I love how various experiences can apply to one another!
On another note. I've always wanted to learn martial arts and be super ninja with it, but it probably won't happen since I'm not the most athletic person ever. However, if I put forth effort, one day I too can say that I know the moves. :)
I'm the least athletic person on the planet. Long, lanky, and clumsy. If I can do it, so can you. :D
Thanks, everyone, for stopping by!!!
Anathema was such an amazing book! It's on my favorites. I need to catch up on this series. :D
I've never actually heard of these books until I saw your rave review of Severed so now I really want to check them out. Thanks for the giveaway.
thanks for the giveaway! awesome. :)
I was actually checking your blog to see how the Team Sophie is going on because I love Hex Hall when I stumbled upon this giveaway.Anathema is on my TBR list so thanks for the giveaway. And I used to do Taekwondo too during high school and college and it is hard work!
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