So, this is the first Top Ten Tuesday meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish that I’ll have participated in. I know I’m late, but I just couldn’t resist!!!
In honor of turkey day in 2 days, the topic this week is: Top Ten Authors I'd Love To Have At My Thanksgiving Feast. How could I resist?
So here is my list!
***NOTE***If you click on the picture of the author, it will take you to their blog! Check out Karsten Knight's blog, his most recent post is a vlog!

1. J.K. Rowling – This pick should be a completely obvious choice for the top spot on my list! The Harry Potter books are the VERY reason I am an obsessive reader! The only problem with this choice is that I would be sitting there at the dinner table, completely awestruck! I don’t think I could even form a conversation! Or eat!!!!

2. Karsten Knight – I loved Wildefire, but I’m an even bigger fan of Karsten’s vlogs! He TOTALLY cracks me up…even when I’m in a funk! I think he would be a VERY entertaining guest!

3. Melissa Marr – Have you ever seen her on tour?! If you have, then you would TOTALLY get why I would want to have her at Thanksgiving dinner! She is hilarious and, no matter the topic, she will always keep you entertained!

4. Cassandra Clare – Not only am I a major fan of her unbelievable creativity, but I hope I could convince her (with enough Thanksgiving wine LoL!) to write me into her book, have Jace break up with Clary and then choose ME instead!!!

5. Richelle Mead – Another fave author of mine! Not only that, but I would just HAVE to feed her to thank her for not only creating such great, multiple protagonists, but for also creating TWO completely different men who I’m so far beyond obsessed with that I can’t even begin to tell you!!! She seems super sweet too!

7. Andrea Cremer – Because I’m obsessed with the Nightshade series and because she is THE very reason I blog! She did a twitter giveaway and I saw the world of book blogging during her giveaway. Plus, I need to talk to her about the end of Bloodrose! I need to know what possessed her to have THAT as the end!

8. K. A. Tucker – Because she totally rocks! And I’m totally in love with the majorly hot man in her series! Ahhh Caden! Did you know she wrote a short story about how I die? Check it out here! And we always talk about how, if she ever comes to NorCal, that she can totally crash on my couch!

9. Tiffany King – Because she is super sweet! Even though she broke my heart at the end of Forgotten Souls! I realized at that moment that she is not as sweet as she seems…there is an evil side to her! So I just might have to keep the turkey carving knife away from her! PLUS...She loves kids so maybe she'll find a way to keep the kids happy!

10. Megg Jensen – Because she is hilarious! I love all of her Facebook posts…I always look forward to reading them! She sometimes adds a silly pic of herself and comes up with the silliest topics! And…hello!!! Her books are AMAZING! Maybe if I invite her to dinner, she will let me try on a couple of her MANY pairs of shoes!

Great list! I'd be right there with you, staring awestruck at J.K. Rowling, and not being able to think of a single smart thing to say :P
Oh I'm so jealous you got to meet Tahereh Mafi! I've tweeted with her before and she's so funny. LOVE her!
You did the top ten. YAY! So funny that so many people want J.K. Rowling at their table. Didn't she write the first book on napkins? If so, you should leave extra at her place setting and maybe she'll write you a novella during dinner. :)
How can anyone not want Karsten at their table. If he is quiet, you can set up a camera and he can create a Thanksgiving vlog. Or just make him re-enact the dance vlog.
Ugh, can't believe I missed out on the lunch for Tahereh Mafi here. Stupid previous engagements. She's so awesome! I'll just have to invite myself over for your author Thanksgiving!
I'd be afraid to have Tiff at the table, haha. She can be vicious can't she!
awesome top ten!!! Tiffany King is on mine too! Isn't she awesome :) check mine out
Karsten Knight!! Who wouldn't want him at their Thanksgiving feast?
I would have added Julie Kagawa to the list, too.
Love the list, Melissa was on my list as well. I just didn't get the chance to publish the list.
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