Publisher’s Summary: Eden saved Az.
She fought and sacrificed and won him back from the most evil of evils. Now is the time for happily-ever-afters, right?
Not so fast.
A boy—even an angel—is hardly the solution to Eden’s problems. She’s still caught between life and death, still cursed to spread poison with her touch. She’s lost one best friend and another is quickly unraveling. And now something is happening to the mortals. Something very, very bad.
What happens in the dark spaces? The ones between life and death, love and hate, betrayal and redemption, sanity and delusion.
Or good and evil.
Eden is about to find out.
The riveting sequel to A Touch Mortal.

My Take: A Touch Morbid is the perfect name for this book…because it was morbidly awesome! One of the things I absolutely loved about ATM2 is that each chapter switched from one character’s POV to another’s; from Eden’s, to Jarrod’s and then to Kristen’s. And, if you’ve already read A Touch Mortal, you’ll probably be thrilled to know that we even get to see the POV through Gabe’s eyes! It’s not very often, but enough to keep you wondering, “What is up with this dude?” We also get to see a lot more of Madeline in this book, and I was constantly guessing whether or not she should be trusted.
I’m more than ecstatic that we get to see Jarrod’s POV in this book. He is by far my favorite character now. I’m absolutely Team Jarrod! I have a soft spot in my heart for him…he is awesomely, amazingly sweet!
Close to the end of ATM1, and throughout ATM2, I totally began to understand why people have the hots for Luke. I even had to keep telling myself, “He’s Lucifer! He’s evil! He’s not hot! I’m not supposed to like him!” I had to do this because he IS the very definition of HOT. And, I think that’s one of the reasons why he could be considered The Perfect Villain!
There is also a lot more of Az in ATM2. And even though I think he is perfect for Eden and he’s pretty hot too, I still had trouble truly connecting with his character. I found myself always contemplating his motives for his actions. To me, he seems to just keep making one idiotic decision after another.
All the characters seem to have major trust issues, and you will totally understand why when you read ATM2. Even Eden has her own secrets, but for the most part Eden and Jarrod are the most honest characters in ATM2, and they both are consistently trying to do what they feel is right. That is why I admire their characters so much.
The character I would like to see more of is Zach…is that the name of the Java Boy? I absolutely suck with names, but I’m pretty sure that is his name. I think he could bring a lot to the story if we get to see more of him in the future book(s).
Ultimately, a possible horrific fate hangs in the balance for Eden, Kristen, Gabe and Az. And that’s one of the main reasons this book kept me intrigued throughout.
Leah Clifford’s books are very different from the books that I’m normally used to reading. Her books are very dark and demented…and they contain a lot of lies and betrayals, and there are some pretty awesome twists throughout. While reading, you totally have to expect the unexpected because there is no way that you could possibly guess where this story would lead. And this is what makes Leah Clifford a totally awesome, creative author…with an extremely demented imagination!

Team Luke forever!!! Haha no but seriously I loved Jarrod too!!!
Great review I can't wait for ATM3!!!!
I love this review! And yes, LUKE!!! Jarrod, well, he's nice and all. A bit too "happy" for my taste, but I totally know why you love him.
I still love Emo Az. He is perfect for Eden, but I'm starting to love Gabe in this one.
I love, love, love that you used "demented" to describe this book. Bahaha. #DementedRocks!
But I am #TeamLuke and will forever be on that team, even if he does bad, bad, bad, bad, bad things. #EvilInBooksIsSoFullOfWin
Awesome review Mindy!
Im glad you enjoyed. I read I Touch Mortal but I didnt like it sniff. Yet your review makes me want to read this one =9 I might give it a chance! Some twisted-ness is always welcome XD
Great review!!
★Dazzling Reads★
I have to say that I totally skimmed your review. I have A Touch Mortal, but haven't read it yet. Based on your enthusiasm, I cant wait!
Love ya, doll!
I cannot wait to read this series!!! it's gunna be great! also I gave you an award today on my blog :) see it here
I seriously need to read the first book! I have heard so many great things about it!
Great review Mindy!
I read a Touch Mortal and can honestly say it changed my teenage life. I love Leah and her writing! Great review!! xoxo
yesss! can't wait to dig into this one! LUKE, FTW!! :)
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