May 11, 2012

Laurell K. Hamilton first ever eSpecial!

Publish date:
May 8, 2012

The steamy outtake that takes readers even further into Laurell K. Hamilton’s bestselling novel, Kiss the Dead.

You’d think I’d get used to seeing such a beautiful man and knowing he was mine, but it never grew old, as if his beauty and the fact that he was mine, and I was his, would forever surprise me.

With a vampire like Jean Claude around, it’s far too easy for Anita Blake to doubt her own appearance—and the hold it has on those who love her. But one hot tub and two incredibly sexy men—Jean Claude and Asher—will make her feel like the most lusted-after woman alive…or undead. Not bad for a mere human…

Expected publish date: June 5, 2012
When a fifteen-year-old girl is abducted by vampires, it’s up to U.S. Marshal Anita Blake to find her. And when she does, she’s faced with something she’s never seen before: a terrifyingly ordinary group of people—kids, grandparents, soccer moms—all recently turned and willing to die to avoid serving a master. And where there’s one martyr, there will be more…

But even vampires have monsters that they’re afraid of. And Anita is one of them…
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Denise Z said...

I am so looking forward to Kiss the Dead. I just read Beauty, which I had preorderded, and was a bit taken back by the brevity. It received horrible reviews on Amazon and some very cruel things were said. I do think that this excerpt, which is what it really was, not a story, was more of a snippet, although a tasty one. I was a little shocked and disappointed that the price of this offering was $2.99 when in the past LKH's web site offered more sneak peaks and previews than was contained in this "book". However, I think this is likely a publisher's decision rather than that of the author. I will continue to follow Anita as long as LKH's imagination continues to share with us her adventures.

Unknown said...

I've heard this is a great series. I do live this excerpt. And the "lickable" button!! Thanks for sharing!

Jaime said...

I have not yet read any books by this author but I do have them on my TBR list and I hope to get to them some time soon.

The Autumn Review said...

Ok, I'm SOOOOO excited to read both! I got Beauty this week. We've had some ups and downs in the series, but I'm a faithful fan and I like how things ended in Hit List. Can't wait to read these. :)

Jocelyn Adams said...

Ooh, I've read everything by Laurell K, and that first little blurb really wets the appetite, doesn't it?

The last of the Anita Blake series kind of fell flat for me, too much in-the-sack and not enough story. I have high hopes for the next one.

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