I've recently become a fan of road trips! My preference is that I drive, and I'd prefer that all of the traveling is during the night. This might seem weird to you, but I have two small boys and I'd prefer that they are sleeping. Really, you could call that a cop-out, because what I love most about traveling through the night is...
If you are a reader, then you would have to agree that the best job ever would be to read books, right? I think a job that required a lot of driving would be pretty awesome too. I wouldn't mind sitting in a car for 8 hours a day, listening to an audio book.

I normally do not stock up on munchies before a road trip because I never know what I'll feel like munching on after sitting in a car for a few hours. So I do all my munchies while stopping for gas and/or pee stops.
I feel like I've been on a lot of road trips in the last few years, so I feel like this has all come naturally to me. All the other stuff is over-planning in my opinion. Tee! Hee! Hee!! Are these things normal for everyone?
Gah! Oh, my sweetness and hottiness! I'm once again reminded why I absolutely LOVE this book so much. First off, I forgot how much I really like Jay. He ended up being kind of an afterthought when I've reminisced about Sweet Evil. But this is when I started to grow a strong bond with Anna's mom and, most of all, this is where I started to fall for Kaidan.
These chapters have all my favorite scenes. The scene where Anna discovers Kaidan and she’s literally drooling over his hotnes. The scene where she lies for the very first time (in the bathroom with those girls) really cracked me up. And I was terrified for Anna in the scene at the party with that DB dude. And then the scene learning about the danger of Kaidan's dad when she meets him for the first time at Kaidan's house. And of course the scene at the beginning of Anna & Kaidan's road trip. I can hardly wait to continue!!!
"Thanks", I said, feeling terrible. I couldn't leave that ugly lie sitting there out there like that.
"Um, I didn't really hear that about Kaidan." They both looked up with confusion, and I swallowed, forcing myself to continue. "He doesn't have gonorrhea. I mean, not that I know of."
"Why would you make that up?" The friend was more sober, and she was looking at me with deserved contempt. The drunken girl looked confused. I contemplated playing it off like I'd been joking, but that would also be a lie, and who jokes about STDs anyway?
"I don't know," I whispered. "I just...I'm sorry." I backed up and slipped out of there as fast as I could. It was a good thing, too, because Lascivious's last song was ending and all the girls were wobbling toward the bathroom now. It was time for the bands to switch. I wrung my hands and bit my lower lip, looking for Jay as the crowd surged around me. I wanted to go home.
Magical Urban Fantasy Reads
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Tater’s Tall Tails
Ravenous Reader