
September 8, 2012

Blake's POV ~ Silver by Talia Vance ~ Party Scene


I'm so excited to be a part of Talia Vance's Blog Tour! Today for the tour, we have the opportunity to read the party scene at the beginning of Silver in the point of view of Blake. Isn't that awesome? So here it is! Enjoy!!!

Buy Silver now:
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Talia Vance is a practicing litigation attorney living in Northern California with her real life love interest, two-point-five kids, and a needy Saint Bernard named Huckleberry. Talia has been writing since she could talk, making up stories for every doll, stuffed animal and action figure she could get her hands on. She grew up hoping to write the great American novel, but her life ran more along the lines of tortured romance and fast paced thrillers, so that's what she writes.
Find Talia here:
WebsiteTwitterGoodreadsYA Muses

Brianna Paxton has been invisible to guys since the eighth grade. She's pretty enough, it's just that no one bothers to look. There's almost nothing that can't be explained with science, and Brianna has a theory: she's missing the pheromone that attracts people to one another. Brianna's theory is shot to hell in one frozen, silver moment, when time stops and Blake Williams not only sees her, he recognizes something inside her that she's been hiding from even herself.

Before Brianna fully understands who and what she is, she accidentally binds her soul to Blake. Forced to find a way to reconcile forbidden love and her bloody heritage, Brianna discovers that there's nothing pointless about her, and Blake may be in the most danger of all.

Check out the rest of the tour here:

Sept 1st: YA Sisterhood - Blake Interview
Sept 2nd: Page Turners Blog hosted by Sophie - Lightening Round Q&A
Sept 3rd: The Review News - Review
Sept 4th: Two Chicks On Books - Dream Cast Post
Sept 5th: What The Cat Read - Silver Playlist
Sept 6th: I'm a Bookshark - Top Ten Scenes from Silver
Sept 7th: Debbie's World Of Books - Guest Post
Sept 8th: Magical Urban Fantasy Reads *Release Day* Scene from Blake’s POV
Sept 9th: The Ravenous Reader - Interview and Review
Sept 10th: Taters Tall Tales - Review
Sept 11th: Books Over Boys - Interview
Sept 12th: Jean Book Nerd - Interview
Sept 13th: Fiktshun - Celtic Myth Guest Post
Sept 14th: Literary Exploration - Interview


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. What a fantastic guest post, Mindy and Talia! Oh man, that was so good. I need more Blake, please! :D

    -Julianna @ The Reviews News

  2. I need MORE!!
    Say like, the WHOLE book told by Blake's pov followed by Joe's and Austin's :D <3333333333

    I am going to DIE!!
    I'm getting this book on printed format right now!!!
    Thanks Talia and Mindy for the post!

  3. Thanks Mindy and Talia for the post! I haven't read this book yet, but after reading the excrept, I just wanna grab a copy and dive into it :)
    Ifrah @Booksters' Cafe

  4. Thanks Mindy for having me and Blake on the blog to celebrate release day!

  5. Thanks so much for being a tour stop Mindy! And the idea of the party scene from Blake's POV was brill! Love it :D


  6. That hint about a "bloody heritage" has really got me wondering. Guess I'll have to read the book to find out!

  7. Oh wow. I love it when authors write teasers from the guys pov. Its awesome! Thank you for the giveaway!

  8. Ooohhh... left me wanting and needing to read more - such a teaser! Love guy's POVs!

    Definitely on my TBR list!



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