January 1, 2013

Through The Ever Night by Veronica Rossi Blog Tour


About the author!

VERONICA ROSSI was born in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Growing up, she lived in several countries and cities around the world, finally settling in Northern California with her husband and two sons. She completed undergraduate studies at UCLA and then went on to study fine art at the California College of the Arts in San Francisco. UNDER THE NEVER SKY is her first novel.

Foreign rights have sold in over twenty-five territories to date and film rights have been optioned by Warner Bros.


About the book!

Publisher's summary: It's been months since Aria learned of her mother's death.

Months since Perry became Blood Lord of the Tides, and months since Aria last saw him.

Now Aria and Perry are about to be reunited. It's a moment they've been longing for with countless expectations. And it's a moment that lives up to all of them. At least, at first. Then it slips away. The Tides don't take kindly to former Dwellers like Aria. And the tribe is swirling out of Perry's control. With the Aether storms worsening every day, the only remaining hope for peace and safety is the Still Blue. But does this haven truly exist?

Threatened by false friends and powerful temptations, Aria and Perry wonder, Can their love survive through the ever night? In this second book in her spellbinding Under the Never Sky trilogy, Veronica Rossi combines fantasy and sci-fi elements to create a captivating adventure—and a love story as perilous as it is unforgettable.

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Talon Interviews Aria

Talon: Hi Aria.

Aria: Hi, Talon.

Talon: My first question is how come you have such white teeth. And straight.

Aria: Good question, Talon. Well, my teeth are straight and white because where I come from we have advanced medicine. Everything from our genetics, to our diet is maximized to make us healthy, and I guess attractive? Anyway... my teeth are that way because I come from Reverie. Everyone in Reverie has straight white teeth.

Talon: That's what I thought. My second question is why do you like my uncle Perry?

Aria: Oh. Wow. Well, I like him because he has a good heart. The best heart. I'm always happy when I'm with him. I always feel safe and like I am exactly where I should be when I'm with him. And he's so... he's so.... I don't know how to say this. I really like the way he looks. A lot. You'll understand when you're older.

Talon: I understand. I like the way he looks.

Aria: The way I mean it is a little different.

Talon: How?

Aria: Umm.... Do you have any other questions?

Talon: Oh, yeah. My last question is do you like where you lived better or where I live better?

Aria: You're a tough interview, Talon.

Talon: Thank you.

Aria: You're welcome. There's a lot that I like about Reverie. It's very easy to live there. We had everything we needed. No one was ever hurt, or went hungry. I spent most of my days either in school or just being with my friends. But the thing is that I didn't appreciate what I had until I lost it. And now that I've seen how you and your uncle live, I see that, in a strange way, getting a bruise or a scrape, or being hungry for a little while, actually makes life more interesting. It makes life richer when you're feeling all the ups and downs.

Talon: Thanks. That was a really long answer.

Aria: You're welcome, Tal.

Tour Schedule
1/1 Magical Urban Fantasy Reads Guest Post Talon interviews Aria
1/2 Bookalicious Guest Post- Roar's favorite food and downtime activities
1/3 Taters Tall Tales Perry & Aria Interview
1/4 Once Upon a Twilight Five Things To Bring When You Visit the Tides
1/5 Pageturners Aria Interview
1/6 Two Chicks on Books Roar Guest Post- Roar interviews Aria
1/7 Literary Exploration Author Interview
1/8 YA Muses Release Day and Special Post
1/9 Reading Teen Letters between Aria and a Friend
1/10 Debbie's World of Books Guest Post: What song sums up Aria's journey so far and why?
1/11 Novel Thoughts Guest Post: Top 5 Realms
1/12 Katie's Book Blog Interview and Review
1/13 Ravenous Reader Launch Party Post
1/14 Mundie Moms Q&A with Veronica
1/15 GC Reading Review with some teasers



Hosted by the Tour!

US Only!
Through the Ever Night Prize Pack includes:
Signed copies of Under the Never Sky and Through the Ever Night
Nail Polish
And more!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

See if I'm running any other giveaways HERE!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Dana said...

Thank you so much for the giveaway!

Kari Olson said...

Love this interview, and this series! =D =D I think I'd rather be in the Wilds... okay, well, I'd rather just be where Perry is so there's that.

magan bagan said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I think I'd rather live in the Wilds.

Emily Blake said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway! Can't wait to read more about Perry. I would definitely prefer to live in The Wilds.

~Emily@Emily's Crammed Bookshelf

Unknown said...

I think I'd rather be out in the Wilds. Thanks for the giveaway!

Carl Scott said...

I'm more of a Wilds kind of person I think. Thanks for the giveaway, Happy 2013!!

Carl Scott said...

Aria: You're a tough interview, Talon.

Talon: Thank you.


Doodle said...

The Wilds. Thanks :)

Stiletto Storytime said...

Thanks for the post and giveaway...the first book was one of my favorite reads of 2012 so I am very excited for the sequel. Happy New Year full of books and blogging in 2013!

Stiletto Storytime

Doodle said...

Why do you like my uncle Perry?
That's hysterical.

erin said...

Sounds fantastic! Thanks for a fun post and giveaway!

Happy New Year!

Bridgett M said...

The wilds

Lisa Marie said...

I am not sure where I would rather live. Thank you for the giveaway!


Unknown said...

Thanks for the giveaway:)

Kristina said...

In the wilds and have a heightened sense!

Unknown said...

This wil be my first read of the year. Really looking forward to it.

Aly said...

Out in the Wilds...with Perry

Kayla Beck said...

That was a super cute interview between Aria and Talon - I could see my daughter asking the same questions. I think I would like to live in the comforts of Reverie myself. The Craven (is that right, it's been a year?) were enough to send me running home!

Unknown said...

Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited to read TTEN! PERRY <3

TayteH said...

I'd live in The Wilds if I had Roar or Perry with me. :D Mostly Roar. He's hilarious. :D

Anonymous said...

I would rather live in the wild because I would rather live a real life, feel the grass wind etc.

I love the interview with Talon and Aria. My only question is where would Talon enjoy to live in the realms or wild with his uncle.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway ! I'm really excited to read it <3 hope I can win ^_^

Unknown said...

Such a good review! I loved the interview with Talon, it was so adorable!

As for where I'd rather live? That's tricky, but I'd probably choose the realms, I wouldn't last very long in the wild.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway. Tore923@aol.com

Unknown said...

The Realms, all the way! What can I say? I'm a sucker for novelty, and not that keen on getting stuck in Aether storms. :)

Julie@My5monkeys said...

oh the wilds for sure

Nago said...

I think I'm more Wilds. I'd get sick of perfection really quick.

Richa said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I would rather live in the Wilds, because the Realms are too fake for me. Plus, the Wilds seem dangerous and awesome :P
I love the interview! Especially the part where Aria explains why she likes Perry :D

Jessica Russell said...

Thanks for the giveaway! The interview was awesome!

Sallie Mazzur said...

Aww, the interview was so precious! I loved when Talon said he likes the way Perry looks too, how adorable!

Thanks for hosting today for the blog tour. I'm so excited for TTEN and I'm also glad I visited because now I can follow your blog and see all the other cool stuff you participate in!

Thanks for the giveaway and Happy New Year!

Liza (WhoRuBlog) said...

I am really looking forward to reading this. Thanks so much for the giveaway. Happy 2013!

Marked By Books said...

Talon, I hope you know you're the coolest kid ever. I like the way Perry looks too, but I'm not so sure you want to know what Aria means.

I'm pretty sure I'd like to live out in the Wilds, as long as the air didn't plan on killing me. Tend to be a bit of a problem when you're from the pods.... Oh well, minor detail.

Liza (WhoRuBlog) said...

Oh, and I loved this interview. Very clever to do it from the character's POV!

Heather said...

I'd REALLY like to say Wilds because life would be more real there, but I'm a big fan of modern comforts :)

Kat said...

Thanks for the awesome giveaway and I need to read this series!

H.S. Stone said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I loved Under the Never Sky!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveway! :)
I think I would rather live in the wilds and the Interveiw was really cute and funny.

Jen R. said...

"I like the way he looks"- Hahaha! :) So cute! :D And I think I'd rather live in the Realms... I don't think I'd survive out in the Wilds!

Globug said...

I would want to be able to choose both realms. I'm so excited about book 2.

Kaitlyn Hoyt said...

The Wilds! haha, Thanks for the giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

Am I the only one who is totally obsessed with this series, totally freaking out that the second book is being released in a matter of days that I can count on my hands, and that I might get signed copies. *swoon*

Rabiah said...

This totally makes me want to read this even MORE!!! GAH, still need to read Under the Never Sky :P Thanks for the amazing giveaway and the fabulous character interview!! :D

Lacey T said...

I'd rather live in the Wilds. I'm so excited to read this! Love the interview. It was so entertaining :)

Sofia said...

I love this interview!! thanks for this AMAZING Giveaway!!

PuttPutt1198Eve said...

I would much rather live out in the Wilds where I could be freer.

Carolina said...

Love how different this is. An interview from the characters about the characters. :D Love it.

Amy said...

Great interview!! I still have to read UTNS, but I plan on it soon. I have heard such amazing things about this series!! I also think that I would rather live in the Wilds.

Unknown said...

I would def prefer to live in the Realms...bc I like my comfort ;)
But having the option to experience the wilds would be great also!

Unknown said...

Aww! Talon is so cute...I love that he likes how his uncle Perry looks also!

Unknown said...

Lol Talon! Thanks for that great interview-the best!! And I think I would prefer to live in the Realms.

Ellie said...

haha I wish I was genetically altered to have perfect white teeth!! :P

Leannessf said...

Great guest post! I would prefer to live in the Wilds despite the dangers.


jarkin33 said...

Love this series so much!! Also.. I think I'd rather live in the wilds... with Perry and Roar. JS :)
thanks for the giveaway!


Zed said...

Love the interview. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anna said...

I would LIKE to live in the Wilds...but uh...I probably wouldn't make it for very long. xD

Grace Radford

The Cover Contessa said...


Jennifer G W said...

Love the interview! I would definitely like to live in the Wilds! I'm so excited for this book! Thank you for the great giveaway!!

Giedre said...

I LOVE the interview!

Shelver506 said...

Such a great giveaway! I think I'd like to live in the Realms if it weren't so... dysfunctional.

Amyrica said...

Thanks--fun interview!
--Amy in Atlanta

Jello Dela Cruz said...

I really like the Q&A between Aria and Talon. :) Thanks for the giveaway!

Sassy Sarah Reads said...

Wow! Great Q&A! I liked how there were two characters from UtNS questioning each other. I think I would live out in the wild. The Reverie sounds nice and secure but there's something about the wild that just intrigues me.

Sarena said...

I think I'd rather live in the Wilds... you have more freedom, and I don't think I'd be able to stand the Realms

Jaime Lester said...

I would not make it a day in the Realms. The Wilds are or me. I don't mind rules, but there is no way that I could have someone dictate to me what my every move will be. And I am a tough girl, I love it outdoors. I think I could fare well in the Wilds.

Marie O. said...

Great Q&A! Talon is so cute:) I would rather live in the wilds. I don't want to have someone dictating my every move. Thanks for the giveaway!

Christina said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I think that I would rather live in the wild!!! I know life would be hard but at least you are really living and not living through a computer!!!

Unknown said...

Also Great Q&A I love Aria!!!

Anonymous said...

Awwww Talon sooo cute <3
I'm DYING to read Through The Ever Night

Unknown said...

Why the heck is Perry always running his hands through his hair!!! LOL

But great interview!!!!

Gaby Pendragon said...

Great interview! I love when Talon ask about why Aria likes Perry awww!!

Ashfa said...

Ha! Super awesome interview...Loved the first book.. Thanks a lot for the INT giveaway... God, please let me win this one!

Unknown said...

Awww, what a great interview. Talon saying "I like the way he looks too." Too Cute!

Anonymous said...

Love your Blog. Thanks for this awesome giveaway ;D

M.A.D. said...

I'm a rural kind-of-gal, so I'll say out in the wilds <3

alicia marie said...

Thanks for the great interview! I'm pretty sure I'd rather live in the wild : )

Lisa Mandina said...

I'd probably want to live in the REalms. I loved the question about the white teeth.

Brittani said...

Great interview! I love Talon's response saying he likes how his Uncle Perry looks too. SOOO CUTE!!! I think I'd prefer to live in the wilds.

Jolene and Family said...

I would probably want to live in the Wild, too many rules would drive me crazy!

Jolene A

Jolene and Family said...

Jealous! I would love to have white teeth, they're straight but my coffee addiction is killing my teeth :)

Bakerette said...

I need this book! Thanks for the tour!

Bakerette said...

I need this book! Thanks for the tour!

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

Talon is too cute is he not? I loved Aria's answer to question 2 also...a few other words for HOT!! I NEED this book! Loved Under the Never Sky!!


raffle name: Nikki O

Monika G. said...

I would choose Reverie. Great post and thanks for the giveaway. :)

sarah said...

Thanks for te giveaway.

Roxana Z. said...

I love the Q&A, Talon is so cute. I liked Under the Never Sky and I know that I'll love Through The Ever Night. Thank you for the giveaway!

Angie said...

I would have to say that I would prefer living in the Realms, i don't wanna be eaten by something out in the Wilds.

Jaime Lester said...

Talon is too stinkin cute! I hope we get more of him in book 2. Oh, and his Uncle Perry is pretty darn awesome, too! Seriously excited for this book! Thanks so much for the great giveaway!

Lynn K. said...

D'aww Talon is so adorable! I can totally imagine him asking Aria those questions in front of Perry. *awkward* xD

Leituras & Fofuras said...

Talon is so cuteeee *-*
I loved his questions and Aria's answers!
How I miss Perry and Aria, I'd dying to read book 2!!!
Great Q&A \o/

Jenna D. said...

Personally, I would rather be out in the Wilds. I get claustrophobic, and the idea of being stuck within walls all the time gives me the heebie-jeebies.

Thanks for the giveaways and also for the highly entertaining Q&A!

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