May 8, 2013

Cover Reveal! Anomaly by K.A. Tucker & Cover Redesigns! Giveaway

The Cover!

Causal Enchantment (Book 4)

 photo Anomaly_zpsef2cf7a6.jpg


She was merely a pawn in their game.

And then something happened.

Once the fragile, naïve human, Evangeline has become altogether … different.

A being who holds formidable power, she may be the key to changing the course of fate. Or she could be the final nail in the world’s coffin. But Evangeline doesn’t know exactly what she is, what she can do. She knows only that she has to stop an enemy far worse than the Sentinel and the sorceresses—one driven by revenge.

And he’s hunting the man she loves.

As Evangeline fights to keep Caden alive and the human population from eradication, she can’t help but sense the imminent doom.

Find out if fate will prevail in the harrowing conclusion to the Causal Enchantment series.

The Redesigns!

Causal Enchantment (Book 1)

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Evangeline has spent her teenage years in obscurity. Her foster parents have the emotional aptitude of robots and her classmates barely acknowledge her existence. About to turn eighteen and feeling like a social pariah, she is desperate to connect with someone. Anyone.

When Evangeline meets Sofie after literally stumbling upon her café, she believes she’s found that connection. Willing to do anything to keep it, she accepts a job as Sofie’s assistant and drops everything to fly to Manhattan, where she is thrust into a luxurious world of Prada, diamonds, and limitless cash.

With such generosity and kindness, it’s easy for Evangeline to dismiss certain oddities . . . like Sofie’s erratic and sometimes violent behavior, and the monstrous guard dogs. She’s even willing to dismiss her vivid dreams of mob-style murders, beautiful homeless people living in caves, and white-eyed demons that haunt her each night as figments of her imagination—especially when one of those figments is the gorgeous Caden. When she wakes up with bite marks on her neck, the fairy tale quickly turns into a nightmare. She slowly unravels the mystery surrounding Sofie and friends, and the reality of the bites and the “dreams.” What she discovers is far more mysterious and terrible than anything she could have imagined.

In a world where everyone has motive to lie for personal gain, Evangeline must decide which deception is least likely to get her killed.

Causal Enchantment (Book 2)

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Tucked away in Sofie’s wintery asylum with no hope of release for years, Evangeline must come to terms with her situation: the curse still plagues her, she’s now hunted by a two thousand-year-old vampire, and the guy she’s in love with tried to kill her. Plus, she’s locked up with a cranky Max and the Forero kids—two people everyone seems to prefer dead over alive. Things aren’t looking good.

Meanwhile, back in Manhattan, Sofie struggles to keep forty trapped and bloodthirsty Ratheus vampires at bay and a desperate Viggo from killing Evangeline’s friends, all while hints stir outside the walls of the NYC vampire asylum of a war brewing between the Sentinel and the witches.

Is there any hope for Evangeline and Caden? Can Sofie control the rival powers? Is the fate of Earth predestined? Find out in Book 2 of the Causal Enchantment series, a sequel to ANATHEMA.

Causal Enchantment (Book 3)


Evangeline finally got what she longed for—the cursed pendant off her neck and Caden in her arms—only it came at a steep price. An unknown poison now courses through her body, slowly morphing her into something no one but the Fates can foresee.She has her suspicions, though...and if she is right, it will spell certain ruin for her and Caden. But she won’t last long enough to realize that, if Viggo and Mortimer uncover the treasonous secrets she keeps from them– that Veronique, no longer entombed, is now in the torturous clutches of the witches and the People’s Sentinel, or that she is protecting a Sentinel within their very midst.

Always the naive human caught in the vampires’ web of deceit, Evangeline is now weaving her own dangerous web so she can keep her friend alive, rescue Veronique, and stop a seemingly inevitable war from erupting. But can her honor handle the depths of duplicity to which she must descend, in order to be in league with the vampires?

Dark and gripping, riddled with angst, Allegiance will have readers anxiously turning pages to find out if Evangeline can survive, or if she’ll spiral into disaster.

About K.A. Tucker


Born in small-town Ontario, Kathleen published her first book at the age of six with the help of her elementary school librarian and a box of crayons. She is a voracious reader and the farthest thing from a genre-snob, loving everything from High Fantasy to Chick Lit. Kathleen currently resides in a quaint small town outside of Toronto with her husband, two beautiful girls, and an exhausting brood of four-legged creatures.

My Comments:
I'm unbelievably thrilled with these covers! I already have 2 copies of each of the first three books with the old covers, but I'm for sure getting new copies! If you know me, then you know that I'm a super-fan of The Causal Enchantment series and I loved the previous covers. So when Kathleen said she was doing a redesign I was a little nervous, but I love love love love love them! They are perfect for the story!!! I can hardly wait to read Anomaly!


This giveaway is open for International shipping to anywhere that Book Depository ships! This giveaway is also subject to Book Depository availability. If one or more books are not available at the time the giveaway ends, the winner will have the option to choose a book at equal or lesser value.

a Rafflecopter giveaway
What do you think of the covers?


Stacie @ Book Nerd Addict said...

The covers look awesome! I'm always up for something new to read, especially vampires! :0)

erin said...

Looks and sounds awesome :) Thanks for sharing!

Marked By Books said...

I've never seen the old covers before, but these new ones are awesome, and I love that there is a unity among them all!

Adriana Delval said...

I love love the new cover designs for her Vampire series. I like when there are beautiful faces in book covers.

Giedre said...

I LOVE the new covers!

Unknown said...

I love the new covers too. But ya know what would be really cool? Posters of all the covers!!! Well...uh...maybe not of Book 3...but posters of ALL the others would be waaaaaay cool!!!

Just saying :-P

Crystal said...

Love the new covers!!!!

Jaime said...

In know we already have the old covers but I HAVE TO HAVE the new ones lol ;)


Anonymous said...

I love the covers. They are beautiful. Thanks for the giveaway.

Anonymous said...

I love the new covers!! I love that they are on the actual books that I absolutely need!!!
~Naomie Peterson

Unknown said...

They're amazing! Really eye catching and they definitely make me want to read them!

Anonymous said...

Love them! Can't wait to read these books

jkrowyn said...

I love these covers! I only have book 1 and haven't started it yet but I want to read this series. Must get cracking!!

sarah said...

They definitely catch my eye, I love the redesigned covers.

Unknown said...

I never saw the old covers but I would definitely pick these up in a store!!!

Natalie @ Book Lovers Life said...

I liked the old covers but these are so bright and awesome :)

Megan Duncan said...

These covers are epic! Love them! ♥

i*Heart*BigBooks said...

These covers look spectacular! especially love book 3!

DeeDee Griffin said...

Love them!. They're a lot more interesting than the old ones.

magic5905 said...

I like them, more up to date. Thanks.

Sam Stamp said...

I love them! Very Intriguing!

xXJackoXxT said...

I love the new covers
thanks for the giveaway : )

Holly Letson said...

Except for the fake-looking green-yellow of the eyes on Book #4, I love these covers.

Eli Yanti said...

the new one is great :)

Tabitha (Pabkins) said...

The new covers are way better definitely!

The Cover Contessa said...

I really love the new covers!

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