Katy Ainsworth, Peter Shaw (Katy’s boyfriend), Gram (Elizabeth Ainsworth, Katy’s great-grandmother), Agnes (Katy’s Aunt Agnes Ainsworth), Hattie Scott (Katy’s employer, a cook), Ola’ea (Hattie’s ancestress—1690-1788), and Miss P (assistant headmistress at the school Katy and Peter attend)
Katy: Well, hi there, ladies and gentlemen! Today my fellow characters and I are gathered together for a very special interview with our esteemed creator, Molly Cochran, author of Legacy and Poison, who has graciously agreed to give us all bigger parts in her next book!
MC: Um, that’s not exactly—
Katy: Thanks, Mol. What’s your favorite song, Peter?
Peter: Huh?
MC: Everlasting Love, by the Black Keys.
Katy: It is not! It’s I Will Always Love You, by Whitney Houston!
Peter: As if.
MC: That’s your favorite song, Katy. You dance to it in Poison.
Katy: So does Peter! We dance together! And . . . and . . .
Agnes: (clearing throat) Do tell us about the next book, Ms. Cochran. The one after Poison.
MC: Really? You’d like to know about that?
Hattie: (hands on hips) Mmm. How big is my part?
Ola’ea: And mine! I wasn’t even in Poison.
Agnes: That’s because you’re dead.
Ola’ea: Who you calling dead, you skinny beyatch?
Peter: But you are dead, Ola’ea. You died in 1788, at the age of ninety eight.
Katy: Peter’s so smart. If you were a tree, Peter, what would you be?
MC: (ignoring her) The next book, which I’m calling Seduction at the moment, takes place in Paris.
Miss P: Alors, j’adore Paris, moi!
MC: You’re not in it.
Miss P: Not at all?
Katy: What’s your favorite color, Peter? Is it green, like my eyes? If you were a flower—
Peter: I think you’re supposed to be interviewing Molly. Er, Ms. Cochran. Her.
Katy: Oh. Okay, what kind of tree would you be, Mols?
MC: I have no idea. What an annoying question. Anyway, there are a number of new characters in Seduction, among them a coven of beautiful witches who all want to take Peter away from Katy—
Katy: What!
MC: —and a gorgeous rock guitarist millionaire who falls in love with Katy—
Peter: What!
Gram: What!
Hattie: What!
Agnes: What!
Miss P: What!
MC: —while Peter finally discovers a magical ability in himself that guarantees great wealth for the rest of his life.
Peter: (grinning) Cool.
Ola’ea: And then a beautiful ghost comes, and—
MC: No. No ghosts.
Peter: But that’s a whole book away. We were talking about Poison. I don’t think I have a big enough part in Poison.
MC: What are you talking about? You save everyone.
Katy: And you almost die for me.
Peter: I do die for you, Katy. In case you didn’t notice.
Ola’ea: Oh, are you dead, too? (bats eyelashes)
Katy: Well, I get attacked by rats.
Gram: Gracious. I think I’d rather be dead.
Ola’ea: No, you wouldn’t.
Katy: Okay, now I’m serious. You, big creator lady . . . Why do you make things so hard for us?
MC: In Poison, you were betrayed by a friend. That’s always hard.
Katy: You filled me with poison.
MC: That’s how betrayal feels.
Katy: You left me with nothing.
MC: That’s not true. I left you with everything that matters—love, family, courage . . . and a bit of hard-won wisdom.
Hattie: Hmmph. Personally, I’d rather have what you gave Peter.
Gram: Right. Money. Gelt. Moolah. Gimme.
Katy: Gram!
Miss P: J’adore l’argent, moi.
Ola’ea: I just wish I were alive.
Katy: Yeah. Some creator you turned out to be, Molly C. Can’t even give us what we want.
MC: I’m sorry. I guess I can’t please you all. But I didn’t write my books to please you. I wrote them because I wanted to make your world real. I wanted to feel your magic, if only for the time it took me to invent it. And when I’m done writing about you, I’ll miss you more than I can say.
Peter: You’ll miss us? Hey, we’ll be the ones with no life.
Gram: What are you young people talking about? Sounds like Greek to me.
Agnes: He’s talking about us. When the author stops writing what we’re doing, we stop doing it.
Hattie: You mean we just, like, freeze?
MC: Yes. You freeze. You never age. You never move past the point of the last page.
Katy: Getting scared here.
MC: Me, too. It’s always painful to finish a book. Even though it’s a relief, it hurts.
Katy: lips trembling) So this is goodbye?
MC: (softly) Yes. Goodbye my children, created from my own joy and sorrow, from my questions and fear and moments of blessedness. Goodbye, until I write you again. Goodbye, goodbye . . .
SEDUCTION, the third installment in the LEGACY series, is scheduled for release later this year through her publisher, Simon & Schuster.
Two eBooks, THE TEMPLE DOGS and THE FOREVER KING, are currently available through online retailers. A third, GRANDMASTER, will be available soon.
Molly has lectured extensively and has taught writing at the college level as well as at a women's prison (where she was NOT an inmate). She also writes a blog on writing technique which appears on her website, MollyCochran.com.
She lives in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

Arthurian legend mixes with modern-day witchcraft in this haunting sequel to Legacy, which Publishers Weekly said “should please the legions of paranormal fans looking for a sophisticated supernatural thriller.”
After the riveting—and romantic—events of Legacy, Katy has won Peter’s heart and is now claiming her place in the magical world. Though half the students at her boarding school come from witching lines, the use of magic is expressly forbidden at Ainsworth, so as to keep the witching world hidden from the blue-blooded preppies, aka Muffies, who also walk the halls.
But the Muffies have at least a notion of magic, because Katy catches them staging a made-up ritual—and to her astonishment, the girls collapse at Katy’s feet and fall into comas. When Katy is blamed, she becomes desperate to clear her name and finds herself battling all odds to harness her growing magical powers in order to save the Muffies and dispel the Darkness once more.

This is a TOUR WIDE giveaway.
There will be ONE winner – SIGNED copies of Legacy AND Poison + Outtakes from the photo shoot for Selection!
Giveaway is open: US Mailing Addresses only.
Ends: July 6th, 2013 (12:00am EST)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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