Victoria Lamb grew up in the peaceful Isle of Man, benefiting from a vast library of books and a family of writers from which to take inspiration. She now lives with her own family in a three-hundred year old farmhouse on the fringes of Cornwall’s Bodmin Moor, where she walks most days and writes in a study overlooking fields of moorland ponies.
She has a serious addiction to Twitter, and invites other such addicts to chat with her there about books and nonsense.
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If she sink, she be no witch and shall be drowned.
If she float, she be a witch and must be hanged.
Meg Lytton has always known she is different—that she bears a dark and powerful gift. But in 1554 England, in service at Woodstock Palace to the banished Tudor princess Elizabeth, it has never been more dangerous to practise witchcraft. Meg knows she must guard her secret carefully from the many suspicious eyes watching over the princess and her companions. One wrong move could mean her life, and the life of Elizabeth, rightful heir to the English throne.
With witchfinder Marcus Dent determined to have Meg’s hand in marriage, and Meg’s own family conspiring against the English queen, there isn’t a single person Meg can trust. Certainly not the enigmatic young Spanish priest Alejandro de Castillo, despite her undeniable feelings. But when all the world turns against her, Meg must open her heart to a dangerous choice.
The Secret Circle meets The Other Boleyn Girl in Witchstruck, the first book of the magical Tudor Witch trilogy.
Goodreads ★ Amazon ★ Barnes & Noble ★ Book Depository ★ IndieBound
Mindy: Why do you think your dad allows Marcus Dent (witchfinder) to be your suitor when Marcus is such a horrible person?
Meg: My father is afraid of Marcus Dent, that’s my best guess. He is also a little bit afraid of me, perhaps because he senses I am following in my mother and aunt’s footsteps and learning the craft. He thinks marrying me off to a man who can control me as a wife will take care of my tendencies to rebel against male authority and follow my heart into witchcraft.
Mindy: What does it feel like to accompany Princess Elizabeth at court?
Meg: Court is a very different world compared to my quiet existence in Oxfordshire. And we are under constant scrutiny here, for the princess is still under suspicion of treason. But I am determined not to be daunted by my new duties and the richness of my surroundings. My mother was lady-in-waiting to Queen Anne Boleyn, so it is in my blood to serve royalty and attend the court.
Mindy: Why is Elizabeth imprisoned?
Meg: The princess was suspected of involvement in a recent uprising against the queen by Sir Thomas Wyatt, a courtier and son of the famous poet. Wyatt swore on the scaffold that she was innocent, but Queen Mary hates her younger sister so violently, she will not believe it. So she keeps Elizabeth hidden away in the country, under guard and out of contact with other courtiers who might help Elizabeth seize the throne.
Mindy: What were the first manifestations of your powers?
Meg: I used to play dreadful tricks on my nurse as a young child. If she scolded me cruelly, I would make her trip over, or have the birds swoop down to peck at her. Later I learned to disguise my power, and only use it sparingly, for my aunt warned me that death lies in store for any witch who is discovered.
Mindy: Do you regret anything you've done, using power of voice?
Meg: Many things. I am ashamed to speak of them. Power should not be used lightly or for one’s own ends. Once, when I was young, I had my father’s cook prepare a month’s worth of sweetmeats for me, and ate them alone in my chamber, which was very greedy!
Mindy: Anne Boleyn was executed for being a very powerful witch. Did you ever get a chance to meet her because of your mom's relationship with her?
Meg: No, for I was not born until after she had been executed. Of course, they tried to hide Queen Anne’s involvement in the craft and named other charges against her for which she was tried and beheaded. I do not think she was as powerful a witch as my mother though, who gave up the dark arts when she married.
Mindy: As a child, your aunt trained you up in the craft of being a witch. What kinds of things did she teach you?
Meg: She taught me to tell one plant from another, and the properties and magickal use of all the trees in the forest. She taught me weather spells, and love spells, and spells against sickness. She taught me how to use flame and bells to summon or discharge spirits. She taught me which spells are dangerous, and which can be used with the least harm to nature. Above all, Aunt Jane taught me to conceal my craft from others, for the path of the witch is a lonely and dangerous one, and many have died for it. Yet still I pursued it, for I had no other power which I loved so well as witchcraft.
Mindy: Thank you so much Meg for stopping by Magical Urban Fantasy Reads!
Meg: Thank you for interviewing me.

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Fri, September 27th – Magical Urban Fantasy
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