Talia Vance is a practicing litigation attorney living in Northern California with her real life love interest, two-point-five kids, and a needy Saint Bernard named Huckleberry. Talia has been writing since she could talk, making up stories for every doll, stuffed animal and action figure she could get her hands on. She grew up hoping to write the great American novel, but her life ran more along the lines of tortured romance and fast paced thrillers, so that's what she writes.
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A Bandia Novel #2
Descended from an Irish demigod, Brianna has fled to Ireland to escape destruction at the hands of her sworn enemies, the Sons of Killian. Taking refuge at the estate of her former nemesis, Austin Montgomery, Brianna discovers a rift in time that opens to an era before the feud began.
Wrestling with her newfound feelings for the more innocent Austin, Brianna begins to wonder if she can alter the past. But when Brianna and Austin learn that the Sons are raising an army of mythical beasts, the pair will need to use their magical strength in the present to avoid a tragic end.
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Brianna (sliding cup of black coffee across the table): How can you drink this stuff? Even Mick’s watery tea is better than the sludge you pass off as coffee.
Joe (shrugs and turns up the collar of his black leather jacket): Works for me.
Brianna (sipping from a vanilla latte): I know you don’t like to talk much about your past, but I’m still trying to figure out exactly what it is you giolla do. How long have you been here?
Joe: In Rancho Domingo?
Brianna: Alive.
Joe (taking a cigarette from a packet in his pocket and placing it between his lips without lighting it): You’ve never heard of small talk, have you?
Brianna: I’ve heard of it. Just because I’m a science nerd doesn’t mean I’m completely lacking in social graces.
Joe: Didn’t say you were.
Brianna: It was implied by the all-knowing stare. So, how long?
Joe: Now I’m saying it. You could do with a social grace or two.
Brianna: More than a millennium?
Joe: Long enough to know better than to think that your knowing will have any impact on the balance of things.
Brianna: You’re always talking about the balance. Mick says that the giolla are here to protect the balance on earth, but you guys don’t get involved very much. What do you do exactly?
Joe (rolling the cigarette between his thumb and forefinger): Watch. Listen. Keep the players on the board as long as we can.
Brianna: The gods aren’t on the board now.
Joe: As far as you know.
Brianna: What. What don’t I know? There’s a way to bring them back, isn’t there? A way to bring him back.
Joe (picking up his untouched cup with his free hand): This coffee is horrible.
Brianna: I’m not going to let this go.
Joe: Not my concern.
Brianna: You’re lucky I like you. Okay, last question, why did you align yourself with the Sons of Killian?
Joe: The Sons aren’t so easy to like.
Brianna: That’s a reason for aligning with them?
Joe: Still hurts when they die though.
Brianna: Oh. Sorry. Mick told me that it’s hard to watch everyone you care about die while you stay behind. You thought the Sons would be easier?
Joe: Nah, nothing’s easy. Just didn’t expect to like ‘em so much.
Brianna: Me either.
Joe: For what it’s worth, I’m glad they let you live.
Brianna: They’ll probably regret it.
Joe: Probably.
Brianna: You won’t?
Joe (placing the unlit cigarette back between his lips and standing): Nah, I like you.
Brianna: Wait. I have more questions.
Joe: I’m sure you do. Don’t let my leaving keep you from finding the answers.
Brianna: But I’m looking for answers from you.
Joe (stands to leave): Nah, only you can answer the questions that matter.
Week One
9/9/2013- My Guilty Obsession- Guest Post
9/10/2013- Fiktshun- Blake Interview
9/11/2013- Magical Urban Fantasy Reads- Guest Post
9/12/2013- Ravenous Reader- Guest Post
9/13/2013- Taters Tall Tails- Austin Interview
Week Two
9/16/2013- Book Pics- Brianna Interview
9/17/2013- What the Cat Read- Interview
9/18/2013- Ya Sisterhood- Guest Post
9/19/2013- A Book Obsession- Interview
9/20/2013- Two Chicks on Books- Austin Guest Post- Quarters Scene from Austin’s POV

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1 comment:
Loved the interview/convo! I'm so hoping we'll get a third book with more answers!
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