Kristen shares a birthday with Steven Tyler and Diana Ross. She spends each day striving to be half as fabulous as they are. She’s worn many hats, none as flattering as her cowboy hat: banker, retail manager, fledgling web designer, world’s worst cocktail waitress, panty slinger, now makeup artist and author. She loves sunshine, live music, the middle of nowhere, and finding new things to put in her house. Because The Night is the first book from The Night Songs Collection.
Kristen is represented by Pam van Hylckama Vlieg of Foreword Literary.
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Description: Immortal Dilemma is the hottest band in the Las Vegas vampire rock scene. They draw insatiable fans from around the globe, thanks to a supernatural attraction called Bloodlust. Tristan craved such an opportunity to fill his empty mortal life, and now he has eternity to earn his place along the legends of rock n roll debauchery. Callie always feared that Tristan’s excesses would get him into trouble, but she never thought they’d lead him to immortality. To reconnect with him, she must weave her way through a world not only she had no idea existed, but does not welcome her. Blade turned down a spot in Immortal Dilemma after learning what he must sacrifice for that lifestyle. He finds Callie a refreshing change from the girls in the vampire rock scene. When Callie drags Blade back into the world of Immortal Dilemma, his resistance drives her into the waiting arms of Tristan, who shows her the true meaning of Bloodlust. But the very things that Callie fights so hard to save are the very things that fight to destroy her.
I ‘ve sat down with the two main characters in Because the Night, Callie Chabot and Tristan Trevosier. I like to think I leave them to their own devices, but they seem to think I have some explaining to do.

Tristan: So why us? What made you put us together? I mean, I don’t mind, but she makes me work for it. I’m not used to that.
Kristen: Exactly! Tristan, you were always the constant character. The bad boy rock star. There were many incarnations of Callie, but I always had a weakness for the story where the bad boy had a thing for the good girl who didn’t chase after him. Rock stars always have women chasing them.
Callie: Tell me about it. (sighs)
Kristen: Although, I let you two do as you wish and I just write it all down. You’re developing a bit of a reputation, Callie.
Callie: (surprised) I am?
Kristen: Yeah. A lot of people really want to knock some sense into you as they read the book.
Callie: Wow. I don’t go looking for trouble.
Tristan scoffs and takes a sip of his drink. Callie smacks him.
Callie: I don’t! I do what seems right at the time. I don’t like it when my friends are hurting. Speaking of, why did you make Tristan such a mess?
Tristan: Are we still trying to save me from the big bad vampire?
Callie: Please. Now I know you’re beyond help.
Tristan: Right. Now you know you like me this way. (runs his hand along Callie’s thigh)
Kristen: Oh my God, you two, I’d tell you to get a room, but we need to do this guest post. I based Tristan on Nikki Sixx.
Tristan: Frigging Awesome.
Kristen: I know! I figured anyone who died twice and lived to tell about it deserved a fictional character based on their likeness. You’ve only died once Tristan. Callie and I still need to put you through the ringer so you can catch up to Nikki.
Tristan: (grins) You two ladies can do anything you’d like to me.
Callie and Kristen both roll their eyes.
Callie: Does it bother you that people think I make bad decisions?
Kristen: Sometimes. But I really let you take your own path, even if I knew better. You needed to learn for yourself what would happen by doing these things. I moved to Las Vegas when I was ten years older than you and still got myself in over my head. And I’d had a lot more life experience than you had.
Callie: So you get it.
Kristen: Believe it or not, Callie, everyone seems to. We’ve all been there.
Callie: Do you think things would have been different had I not had such an isolated childhood?
Kristen: I don’t know. I had so much freedom as a teenager, I’m a bad judge of that.
Tristan: ( comes closer to me) What about me?
Kristen: Nah, you were destined for disaster, growing up a spoiled rich kid.
Tristan: (leans forward with elbows on leather clad knees) Enough with the past. Why did you waste my time with this Blade story line? Like Bradley has a chance.
Callie: Tristan!
Kristen: Blade walked into the story unannounced and I expected him to last a scene or two, but I had such a crush on him when I got to know his character, I realized he had just as much as a place in this story as you do.
Tristan: (shakes his head) You’re both pathetic.
Callie: Ignore him. It works. So what do you like most about the both of us?
Kristen: I like that you both do exactly what you want to do, no matter what anyone thinks. It might not be the right thing for anyone but yourselves.
Callie: Do you wish we would have done anything differently?
Kristen: (thinks for a minute) No. If you had, you wouldn’t have been the characters you became. I love you both for your good and bad decisions.
Tristan: See, beautiful? She likes us.
Callie: She created us. She kind of has to.

Tour-wide giveaway
A set of two BECAUSE THE NIGHT inspired lip glosses – 4 winners (US only)
An eBook copy of BECAUSE THE NIGHT – 5 winners (International)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Week One
Oct. 21st - Reading In Twilight - Review + Interview
Oct. 22nd - Magical Urban Fantasy Reads - Character Interview
Oct. 23rd - Pen and Muse - Interview
Oct. 24th - Curling Up With A Good Book - Guest Post
Oct. 25th - BookHounds - Review
Week Two
Oct. 28th - Urban Fantasy Land - Guest Post
Oct. 29th - What's Beyond Forks - Review
Oct. 30th - The Girl in a Cafe - Review
Oct. 31st - Alphas Authors & Books Oh My - Review + Interview
Nov. 1st - Moonlight Gleams - Review + Guest Post
I love reading about vampires. Thanks for the giveaway.
Nikki Sixx, Nikki Sixx, Nikki Sixx. He may need a little more practice making good life choices, but his life really does seem like it's something out of a book. I'm glad that somebody was willing to take inspiration from it.
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