I wrote my first story in first grade. The narrator was an ice-cream cone in the process of being eaten. In fourth grade, I wrote my first book, about a girl who gets shipwrecked on a desert island with her faithful and heroic dog (a rip-off of both The Black Stallion and all the Lassie movies, very impressive).
After selling my first story (Temple of Stone) while in high school, I gave in to my mother’s importuning to be practical and majored in biology at Brooklyn College. I then went to Columbia Law School and practiced law for almost two years at Debevoise & Plimpton LLP, a large law firm in New York City. I kept writing and submitting in my spare time, and finally, a mere 15 years after my first short story acceptance, I sold my first novel to Greenwillow Books (HarperCollins).
I live in Brookline, Massachusetts (right outside of Boston) with my husband Aaron, a researcher and doctor at the Joslin Diabetes Center, and our three children.
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When Ileni lost her magic, she lost everything: her place in society, her purpose in life, and the man she had expected to spend her life with. So when the Elders sent her to be magic tutor to a secret sect of assassins, she went willingly, even though the last two tutors had died under mysterious circumstances.
But beneath the assassins’ caves, Ileni will discover a new place and a new purpose… and a new and dangerous love. She will struggle to keep her lost magic a secret while teaching it to her deadly students, and to find out what happened to the two tutors who preceded her. But what she discovers will change not only her future, but the future of her people, the assassins… and possibly the entire world.
Goodreads ☆ Amazon ☆ Barnes & Noble
Ileni stepped forward, afraid she had killed him. As her wards had reacted, she'd realized the dagger was slicing at her hair, not her throat. But then he leaped to his feet, one hand pressed to his side, staring with an expression that should have gratified her: astonishment and fear.
Except he wasn't staring at her.
Ileni Followed his gaze. The cacophony of clicks and thuds and grunts coming from the main training area had gone silent. A cluster of assassins stood in the arched cavern entrance, staring, the pretense of disinterest wiped off their faces.
Her role as their tutor, apparently, was off to a great start.

This is a tour hosted giveaway!
1 Grand Prize pack signed copies of all 3 of Leah’s books (Mistwood, Nightspell, and Death Sworn), plus signed SWAG for all 3 books as well! US Only.
Void where prohibited by law
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Week One:
2/24/2014- Two Chicks on Books- Original Content
2/25/2014- Mundie Moms-Original Content
2/26/2014- Bookish- Original content
2/27/2014- Fiktshun- Original Content
2/28/2014- Magical Urban Fantasy Reads-Review or Original Content
Week Two:
3/3/2014- Supernatural Snark- Original content
3/4/2014- Page Turners - Original Content
3/5/2014- Tales of a Ravenous Reader- Original content
3/6/2014- YA Sisterhood- Review
3/7/2014- A Backwards Story- Original content
This series sounds terrific. I'd love to read it!
How is this the first I'm hearing of this book? It sounds just like the kind I like to read.
I really like the teaser. Thanks for sharing it.
Ive been stoked since I saw this cover.
I've been excited about this title FOREVER, and I can't wait to read it!
This book looks AMAZING!
This book sounds SO GOOD. Can't wait to read it!
(Thanks so much for this opportunity!)
I love this cover! Thank you for the giveaway.
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