Born in small-town Ontario, Kathleen published her first book at the age of six with the help of her elementary school librarian and a box of crayons. She is a voracious reader and the farthest thing from a genre-snob, loving everything from High Fantasy to Chick Lit. Kathleen currently resides in a quaint small town outside of Toronto with her husband, two beautiful girls, and an exhausting brood of four-legged creatures.
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Title: ANOMALY (Causal Enchantment series #4)
Author: K.A. Tucker
Release Date: March 6, 2014
Amazon ☆ Barnes & Noble ☆ iTunes
She was merely a pawn in their game. And then something happened. Once the fragile, naïve human, Evangeline has become altogether … different. A being who holds formidable power, she may be the key to changing the course of fate. Or she could be the final nail in the world’s coffin. But Evangeline doesn’t know exactly what she is, what she can do. She knows only that she has to stop an enemy far worse than the Sentinel and the sorceresses—one driven by revenge. And he’s hunting the man she loves. As Evangeline fights to keep Caden alive and the human population from eradication, she can’t help but sense the imminent doom. Find out if fate will prevail in the harrowing conclusion to the Causal Enchantment series.
Mindy: K.A. Tucker is back! I’ve missed you!!! And I didn’t realize how much I missed the Causal Enchantment series. I felt like you ended Allegiance so brilliantly that I was okay to wait for another series, but I had no idea how you would come up with a whole new final book for the Casual Enchantment series. But OMG! You did and I totally loved Anomaly! And I don’t think I would have EVER gotten the slightest clue that you would take that book the way you did ONE BIT!
K.A: Thank you, thank you. I’m soooooo glad to be back at one of the first blogs I ever visited!
Mindy: What was it like to finish the final words in your Causal Enchantment series?
K.A: “It was time”. LOL. This series was the start of a passion and a career for me so it holds a special place in my heart. I needed to finish this. It felt completely satisfying to end the story the way I wanted it to end. There may have been some wine-drinking and chocolate-eating too…
Mindy: Did you know that the series would end the way it did when you first started writing Anathema? Or, did you have an epiphany about the ending while writing one of the other books in the series and, if so, in which book did you have that epiphany?
K.A: Back when I was writing ANATHEMA, I didn’t even know it would be four books. I certainly didn’t know how I would end it. I started seeing the end while writing ALLEGIANCE, realizing how big a role The Fates would play in the story. But even still, I wasn’t sure how I would get from point A to point B until I began writing it.
Mindy: After writing the first 3 books in your Causal Enchantment series, you came up with the story for your contemporary novels, right?
K.A: Yes, that’s right. ALLEGIANCE drained me. I needed a break from the world-building and the giant cast of characters. It was around that time that the idea for Ten Tiny Breaths hit me.
Mindy: Due to the popularity of Ten Tiny Breaths, you are now a traditionally published author! For you, what do you think are the pros and cons of publishing traditionally vs. independently publishing?
K.A: Yes! I have been fortunate enough to be offered a contract from Atria Books (actually two contracts now, for a total of eight books). I can say that my experience with Atria has been fantastic. In terms of pros vs indie publishing, I would say the following: having several editors (my editor, for story content, etc., plus a copy editor to catch all the little uglies) gives me an opportunity to strengthen my story and writing in a way that I couldn’t do without spending a fortune on freelance editing. Another pro is that I’m not doing all of the work involved with indie publishing (all the packaging.) I am still involved with cover design to a certain extent—meaning I’m asked for my input—but I’m not coming up with the concept, hiring a designer, etc.
In terms of cons vs indie publishing: the indie publishing world moves much faster. To be fair, Atria has worked very hard to release my books quickly (4 books in 16 mths, from the time they picked up Ten Tiny Breaths to the release of Five Ways to Fall!). But with indie publishing, you have the freedom to finish your edits and upload your files the same day, if that’s what you want to do.
Mindy: After writing four contemporary novels, what was it like to come back to writing your Causal Enchantment series?
K.A: It was extremely difficult, not only for the genre and category change but also because I was shifting from present to past tense. My editor caught many tense issues because I struggled to switch my brain back.
Mindy: Before you traditionally published Ten Tiny Breaths you were a really busy business woman. What are the pros and cons of your previous career vs. writing full time?
K.A: This one is easy *smiles* -- I’m passionate about my career now. Before, I was doing something that I was good at and I could be very successful doing. But I didn’t love it. I love my life now, even on the hard days. I also have so much more flexibility. I don’t have to answer to anyone. As long as I submit my manuscripts on time, everyone’s happy.
Where it can get difficult is time management. Now, I’m always working or thinking about working. I had a much easier time shutting down and walking away before.
Mindy: If a publishing house offered it, would you ever traditionally published your Causal Enchantment series?
K.A: If it makes sense to do so, yes. I already have interest from foreign markets and am in the process of selling to one country.
Mindy: What do you think you’ll miss most from the Causal Enchantment series?
K.A: Max. I loved writing that freaking dog so much.
Mindy: Do you have any new brilliant book plots ideas in that crazy mind of yours?
K.A: Ha ha. There are a few ideas floating around. Not sure how brilliant they are. I’m working on the new series with Atria, BURYING WATER, right now. I have thoughts on a psychological thriller that I want to write and there is a YA contemporary book about bullying that is calling to me for personal reasons. It’s one that I’ve been thinking about doing for some time but it will be an extremely difficult one for me to write, so it’ll be awhile before I open that draft file up.
Mindy: Thanks again K.A. Tucker for stopping by Magical Urban Fantasy Reads! And thank you for not forgetting about me when you became this awesomely famous author! I can hardly wait to meet you in person (finally!) and in only just a few weeks! See you soon!!!
K.A: Silly rabbit. I don’t forget my friends xox

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vampires and shifters are my favorite paranormal
Vampires are my favorite paranormal. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.
I LOVE this series and I LOVE K.A. Tucker!! <3
My favorite would either be a werewolf or a mermaid.
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