March 3, 2014

Ruins by Dan Wells Blog Tour & Giveaway!

About the Author

Dan Wells writes in a variety of genres, from dark humor to science fiction to supernatural thriller. Born in Utah, he spent his early years reading and writing. He is the author of the Partials series and the John Cleaver series. He has been nominated for both the Hugo and the Campbell Award, and has won two Parsec Awards for his podcast Writing Excuses.

☆ How to find Dan ☆
The Partials Facebook Page

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About the Book

Our time is almost up.

As the clock ticks closer and closer to the final Partial expiration date, humans and Partials stand on the brink of war. Caught in the middle, thousands of miles apart, are Samm and Kira: Samm, who is trapped on the far side of the continent beyond the vast toxic wasteland of the American Midwest; and Kira, now in the hands of Dr. Morgan, who is hell-bent on saving what's left of the Partials, even if she has to destroy Kira to do it.

The only hope lies in the hands of the scattered people of both races who seek a way to prevent the rapidly escalating conflict. But in their midst appears a mysterious figure, neither human nor Partial, with solemn warnings of a new apocalypse—one that none of them may be able to avert.

The final installment in the Partials Sequence is a thrill ride of epic proportions, as the last remnants of life on our planet fight to determine its final fate.

☆ How to find Ruins ☆
AmazonBarnes & NobleBook Depository

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The Other Books

Publisher's Summary: The human race is all but extinct after a war with Partials—engineered organic beings identical to humans—has decimated the population. Reduced to only tens of thousands by RM, a weaponized virus to which only a fraction of humanity is immune, the survivors in North America have huddled together on Long Island while the Partials have mysteriously retreated. The threat of the Partials is still imminent, but, worse, no baby has been born immune to RM in more than a decade. Our time is running out.

Kira, a sixteen-year-old medic-in-training, is on the front lines of this battle, seeing RM ravage the community while mandatory pregnancy laws have pushed what's left of humanity to the brink of civil war, and she's not content to stand by and watch. But as she makes a desperate decision to save the last of her race, she will find that the survival of humans and Partials alike rests in her attempts to uncover the connections between them—connections that humanity has forgotten, or perhaps never even knew were there.

Dan Wells, acclaimed author of I Am Not a Serial Killer, takes readers on a pulse-pounding journey into a world where the very concept of what it means to be human is in question—one where our humanity is both our greatest liability and our only hope for survival.

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Publisher’s summary: Kira Walker has found the cure for RM, but the battle for the survival of humans and Partials is just beginning. Kira has left East Meadow in a desperate search for clues to who she is. That the Partials themselves hold the cure for RM in their blood cannot be a coincidence—it must be part of a larger plan, a plan that involves Kira, a plan that could save both races. Her companions are Afa Demoux, an unhinged drifter and former employee of ParaGen, and Samm and Heron, the Partials who betrayed her and saved her life, the only ones who know her secret. But can she trust them?

Meanwhile, back on Long Island, what's left of humanity is gearing up for war with the Partials, and Marcus knows his only hope is to delay them until Kira returns. But Kira's journey will take her deep into the overgrown wasteland of postapocalyptic America, and Kira and Marcus both will discover that their greatest enemy may be one they didn't even know existed.

The second installment in the pulse-pounding Partials saga is the story of the eleventh hour of humanity's time on Earth, a journey deep into places unknown to discover the means—and even more important, a reason—for our survival.

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I have a very special post by Dan Wells today! In each of the RUINS Dan Wells Tour stops, there is a timeline of events leading up to the wars before PARTIALS and I'm excited to share the first four to you today!

2020: Biotech company Rock Canyon Labs announces first public sale of "cloned" organs: custom-built replacement body parts grown from your own DNA. With no need for a donor and virtually zero risk of host rejection, this revolutionizes health care, surgery, and human longevity. (Stage 1: eyeballs with perfect vision)

2027: Competing companies begin offering engineered organs, shifting biotech from a "replacement" industry to an "upgrade" industry. The first markets are cosmetic and even recreational uses. (Stage 2: eyeballs with perfect vision, nightvision, and your choice of iris color.)

2029: Human augmentation becomes commonplace, though still comparatively primitive. Simple genetic tweaks for disease resistance become as pervasive as vaccinations in the west, but several eastern nations are leery of the technology and slow to adopt it. Corporate conglomerate ParaGen begins buying up every biotech company it can find, consolidating the best minds in the field.

2033: China takes a strong anti-manipulation stance that will stand firm until the Break, going so far as to outlaw genetic engineering of the human genome. People with genetic upgrades are no longer considered human under Chinese law.

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This is a tour hosted giveaway!
Void where prohibited by law
Two trilogy sets, signed by Dan US Only
Two Partials T-shirts, one ParaGen and one Plague Baby. We can find out what size the winners are and send them something that fits. International.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

☆ The Tour ☆

Week One:
3/3/2014- Magical Urban Fantasy Reads
3/4/2014- Fiktshun
3/5/2014- Step Into Fiction
3/6/2014- Two Chicks on Books
3/7/2014- Fantasy Book Addict

Week Two:
3/10/2014- Parajunkee
3/11/2014- Tales of a Ravenous Reader
3/12/2014- Mundie Moms
3/13/2014- Supernatural Snark
3/14/2014- All Things Urban Fantasy


Unknown said...

This is awesome, I can't wait to read these! They've been on my wishlist forever!

Nyx said...

I've been waiting for the trilogy to be all out so I can read them all in one go. Can't wait! :)

Cherry said...

The cover appeals to my fantasy geek's eyes! :)

sarah said...

I loved the first two in the series and can't wait to read how the series concludes :)

Maidenveil said...

One of the dystopian series that I'm looking forward to read!

Anonymous said...

I am really loooking forward to read this series. It sounds so good. Thanks for the awesome giveaway.

Kat said...

I have #1 & #2, I haven't read the novella but some day I will, I read #1 but I need to re read it and read #2 then #3 :-)

BookOwl93 said...

I haven't read this series yet, but I know I've seen the covers everywhere. I kind of want to read this trilogy though. It's interesting :D

This Is Not a Cliffhanger said...

Love, Love, LOVED the first two. Can't wait to read book 3!! :)

Natasha said...

I have read the first book and loved it and I can't wait to read book 2 and 3!!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Peggy :) said...

Hey, Dan - I have NO doubt that the ending to the Partials trilogy is going to be SUPER awesome! (And totally worth the extra time to outline all three books.) I have absolutely no idea how you're going to pull it off though - which is part of what makes your endings cool. :D

Unknown said...

I've been so excited for this book since I preordered it in September!!!

Unknown said...

I've been so excited for this book since I preordered it in September!!!

Jenni said...

This is one of my all time favourite series! I waited for months for the first book, Partials, to come out and devoured it within a day! I can't wait for Ruins to come out, the weeks wait is killing me. The timeline is amazing! I love seeing deeper into the future Dan has created. I can only hope that he will write more novellas like Isolation!

Unknown said...

This sounds absolutely wonderful. I have Dan Wells other book waiting to be read. It's in my quickly upcoming pile - I've been longing to read it for awhile and now I know I'll be putting other things on hold so I can quickly devour it.

Unknown said...

I've been waiting for the book Ruins!

Cindy C. said...

Wow! This sounds very engaging! A very great read! Thank you for this giveaway! - cindy :)

jkrowyn said...

I haven't read these yet but I really want to!! They've been in my wish list, they just sound so good!!

Mary Preston said...

This series does sound amazing.

Marissa W. said...

I hope I winnnnnn. No, but seriously, I love this trilogy!

Marissa W. said...

I hope I winnnnnn. No, but seriously, I love this trilogy!

Kirsten! said...

Whoo! I've been meaning to read this for ages, now that the third book is coming out, I finally get to! (I like to marathon series :D)

Jo said...

I can't wait to read book 3 - I devoured the first two books!

Ana Lucía said...

I liked Partials but loved Fragments. Can only imagine how Ruins is. I'm dying for this book and I don't think I'll be able to get it :'( I need it my life right now and know how it all ends. Wa wa wa. *Cries*

vvb32 reads said...

From the guest post the 2033 China stance is an intriguing thought. Wonder what caused it???

tammy216 said...

I love this series! I can't wait to read Ruins :)

Unknown said...

I've heard this series is amazing!!!

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