Bethany is a a former librarian living in the Kansas City area with her husband and two children.
Her debut novel Landry Park came out from Dial/Penguin in 2014, and the sequel, Jubilee Manor, will be out August 11, 2015. She is am represented by Mollie Glick of Foundry Media.
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The thrilling conclusion to Landry Park is full of love, betrayal, and murder--perfect for fans of Divergent, The Selection, and Pride and Prejudice.
In Landry Park, Madeline turned her back on her elite family, friends, and estate to help the Rootless. Now, in Jubilee Manor, she struggles to bring the Gentry and the Rootless together. But when Gentry heirs—Madeline’s old friends—are murdered, even she begins to think a Rootless is behind it, putting her at odds with the boy she loves and the very people she is trying to lead. If she can’t figure out who is killing her friends and bring them to justice, a violent war will erupt and even more will die—and Madeline’s name, her estate, and all the bonds she’s forged won’t make any difference.
This conclusion to Landry Park, which VOYA dubbed "Gone with the Wind meets The Hunger Games,” is a richly satisfying, addictive read.
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In a fragmented future United States ruled by the lavish gentry, seventeen-year-old Madeline Landry dreams of going to the university. Unfortunately, gentry decorum and her domineering father won't allow that. Madeline must marry, like a good Landry woman, and run the family estate. But her world is turned upside down when she discovers the devastating consequences her lifestyle is having on those less fortunate. As Madeline begins to question everything she has ever learned, she finds herself increasingly drawn to handsome, beguiling David Dana. Soon, rumors of war and rebellion start to spread, and Madeline finds herself and David at the center of it all. Ultimately, she must make a choice between duty - her family and the estate she loves dearly - and desire.
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Mindy: Hi Bethany! Welcome to Magical Urban Fantasy Reads! We are thrilled that you could join us!
Can you please describe Jubilee Manor for us in 10 words or less?
Bethany: Blood and silk, glitter and murder, love and fire.
Mindy: There were some big revelations for Madeline (the protagonist) near the end of Landry Park. Does these revelations change the dynamic of the Gentry and the Rootless’ lifestyles?
Bethany: They do! But what was interesting to me was also showing how resistant people were to change, even when their entire world is shown to be built on lies. It takes a lot of work to change the status quo and also to move people past anger into productive work, and that’s the wall Madeline faces from page one of Jubilee Manor.
Mindy: Now that the series has ended, had you expected the duology would end this way from the beginning?
Bethany: In some ways yes, and other ways no. I had a very different storyline originally for this series, a different direction, and when we were editing Jubilee Manor, we scrapped a lot of it and went back to the drawing board. But the last two or three chapters and the epilogue specifically were always how I imagined the book ending. With kissing and fire, naturally.
Mindy: Which book was easier for you to write?
Bethany: Landry Park was much less brutal to write! Fun, even. But I think at the end of the day, Jubilee Manor was more worthwhile for me to write. I learned so much about myself and about the craft while working on it, and the lessons I learned writing that book I will carry with me forever.
Here is a quick Q&A to get to know you!
Mindy: Facebook or Twitter?
Bethany: Tumblr ;)
Mindy: Most visited online website?
Bethany: Other than tumblr? Probably iflscience.com or Buzzfeed.
Mindy: Kindle or Nook?
Bethany: Kindle—Amazon may be our evil overlords, but man, they are good at what they do.
Mindy: Favorite food?
Bethany: I’m a Kansas City girl, so it’s probably either barbecue or a good rare steak.
Mindy: Morning or night?
Bethany: Night! If I had my way, I’d sleep in til noon every day.
Mindy: Strange quirks?
Bethany: I’m a laugher. I laugh a lot, especially when I’m in awkward or weird situations, and so I’m sure people think that I’m bananaballs sometimes!
Mindy: Guilty pleasure?
Bethany: Frappucinos from Starbucks, which are basically coffee milkshakes with a green straw. But I love them. And I drink them even in the winter.
Mindy: Preferred weapon?
Bethany: Now we’re talking. I’ve done karate since I was twelve, and my favorite weapon is probably the sword, especially my training shinai, which makes all these satisfying clacking noises when I hit other people’s weapons with them.
Mindy: What do you like to do in your spare time other than writing?
Bethany: Karate, for sure, and then after that, maybe reading and napping.
Mindy: Top fave movies?
Bethany: So many! I’ll narrow it down to three: Gladiator, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, Inception
Mindy: Top authors that inspire you?
Bethany: Again, there’s so many! It’s hard to keep it brief. Um, okay, off the top of my head: Elizabeth Wein, Laini Taylor, Tessa Gratton and Megan Whalen Turner.
Mindy: Top 5 fave books?
Bethany: Oh boy. *chews fingernails* Okay: Jane Eyre, Lord of the Rings (I’m counting the whole trilogy as one, which is cheating, I know), Harry Potter (again with the counting the whole cycle as one), The Once and Future King, and The Little Prince.
Mindy: Favorite TV show when you were a kid?
Bethany: All That on Nickelodeon. Lori Beth was kind of my idol.
Mindy: Thanks again for stopping by Magical Urban Fantasy Reads! Maybe when your next book comes out we can have you again!

This is a tour hosted giveaway!
1 winner will receive a paperback of LANDRY PARK and an ARC of JUBILEE MANOR. US Only.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Week One:
8/3/2015- The Bibliophile Chronicles- Interview
8/4/2015- Fiction Freak- Review
8/5/2015- Two Chicks on Books- Guest Post
8/6/2015- Seeing Double In Neverland- Review
8/7/2015- Wishful Endings - Interview
Week Two:
8/10/2015- The Eater of Books! - Review
8/11/2015- Fiktshun- Guest Post
8/12/2015- WinterHaven Books- Review
8/13/2015- Magical Urban Fantasy Reads- Interview
8/14/2015- The Reading Nook Reviews- Guest Post