Sara B. Larson is the author of the acclaimed YA fantasy DEFY, and the sequels IGNITE and ENDURE. She can’t remember a time when she didn’t write books—although she now uses a computer instead of a Little Mermaid notebook. Sara lives in Utah with her husband and their three children. She writes in brief snippets throughout the day (while mourning the demise of naptime) and the quiet hours when most people are sleeping. Her husband claims she should have a degree in “the art of multitasking.” When she’s not mothering or writing, you can often find her at the gym repenting for her sugar addiction.
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The remarkable third novel in Sara B. Larson's bestselling Defy series!
At last, Alexa and King Damian are engaged to be married. But their lives are far from safe. The kingdom of Antion is under siege, and Rylan is a prisoner of the enemy. Even worse, Alexa remains at the mercy of the evil Dansiian Rafe, who controls her mind and can force Alexa to kill or harm Damian at any moment. Despite this, Alexa is determined to rescue Rylan, which soon leads her far from Damian and deep into enemy territory.
When she arrives, what awaits her is deadlier than anything she could have ever imagined: an army of black sorcerers, and a horrifying plot to destroy the world as Alexa knows it. Will she be able to gather the strength to free herself, protect the love of her life, and save the land? Will there ever be true peace?
Acclaimed author Sara B. Larson has woven a stunning, romantic, and evocative finale to the Defy trilogy, that is sure to leave readers breathless until the very last page.
Goodreads ☆ Amazon ☆ Barnes & Noble ☆ iBooks
With your series being fantasy was there any research involved in writing it? Highs and lows throughout writing the Defy Series.
I have had such an amazing experience writing this series. I’ve learned and grown so much as an author—and as a person. These characters have been tested and tried, pushed to the breaking point and I have had to go there with them. To hurt with them, to fight with them, to try and hold on to hope alongside of them. And in the end, I wept with them as lives were lost and celebrated when they triumphed. Sometimes it was a struggle to convey on the page what I was feeling and seeing in my mind, but I worked and worked on those scenes until they rang true to what I wanted them to be…and I hope my readers will feel that as Alexa’s story comes to an end. This story came from a place of deep personal grief and loss, but it morphed into a story of seeking hope in the face of seemingly insurmountable darkness and of finding courage to do what you know you must, even if the outcome is terribly uncertain. It also became a story of what true beauty is and of the many different kinds of love and how they can shape and drive you in all aspects of your life, for bad or good.
In short, there were lots of ups and downs writing the DEFY series, but I feel incredibly privileged and blessed to have gone on this journey with Alexa, Damian, Rylan, and everyone else. I hope my readers will feel the same way.

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Week One:
12/28/2015- Fiction Fare- Review
12/29/2015- Dark Faerie Tales- Interview
12/30/2015- A Backwards Story- Review
12/31/2015- Magical Urban Fantasy Reads- Guest Post
1/1/2016- The Book Cellar- Review
Week Two:
1/4/2016- Supernatural Snark- Interview
1/5/2016- Novel Novice - Guest Post
1/6/2016- Page Turners Blog- Review
1/7/2016- Two Chicks on Books- Interview
1/8/2016- Mundie Moms- Review